Announcing Outdoor Innovations Awards…
Are you feeling inspired to create great experiences for children outdoors? We are looking for examples of centers that have done something outdoors that meets some or all of the following criteria:
- Is unusual, creative & fun
- Is low cost
- Incorporates nature in interesting ways
- Helps expand curriculum to the outdoors in new & innovative ways
Submit your story and photos anytime between now and December 31, 2012 to clarson@lisc.org and you could win a $500.00 grant to be used towards materials for the children’s playground and will be featured in an edition of our ENews! The competition is open to non-profit organizations or to for-profit child care centers whose enrollment consists of more than 30% DHS subsidized children.
In This Issue
Announcing Outdoor Innovations Awards…
It’s Almost Back to School Time – Are you stocking up on supplies?
Natural Playgrounds Initiative