Our Partners
Our Community Partners

Exceed represents the commitment of Rhode Island’s early learning community to help ensure that all of our young children have the opportunity to soar.

The Center for Early Learning Professionals supports Rhode Island’s commitment to improving the care and education of the state’s youngest children by strengthening the early childhood workforce.

BrightStars, Rhode Island’s quality rating and improvement system, recognizes and supports quality in child care and early learning programs.
Our Supporters
We are grateful to our funding partners past and present:
- Alan Shawn Feinstein Family Fund
- Bank of America
- Bank Rhode Island
- Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island
- Charlotte Orlowski Family Fund
- City of Providence
- Hasbro Charitable Trust
- State of Rhode Island Department of Education
- State of Rhode Island Department of Human Services
- The Rhode Island Foundation
- Rhode Island Housing
- United Way of Rhode Island
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Education
- And our many generous individual supporters
For more than a decade, LISC has partnered Rhode Island state dollars with philanthropic investments, federal resources and national equity funds to bring new funding to Rhode Island’s child care and early education community.

National LISC: 34%
State of RI: 28%
Private & Foundation Support: 28%
Federal: 10%