Resource Guides

Playground Design Interventions
Playground Design Interventions features low-cost, high-value design interventions for child care and early learning center outdoor play spaces. The goal of each of these interventions is to increase the variety and quality of play and site elements in each playground

Developing Early Childhood Facilities
Volume 1 on Developing Early Childhood Facilities identifies all of the steps in the real estate development and financing process, and helps early childhood providers and their partners carry out early feasibility and planning activities, building an appropriate project development

Designing Early Childhood Facilities
Volume 2 on Designing Early Childhood Facilities highlights the connection between well-designed space and high quality programming, and helps early childhood providers, community developers, and architects plan effective spaces for young children. The guide includes an overview of design principles,

Equipping and Furnishing Early Childhood Facilities
Volume 3 on Equipping and Furnishing Early Childhood Facilities originally published in June of 2005, is designed to help you with selecting furnishings and equipment that make your space usable and comfortable, child-safe and child-friendly, and attractive and functional for

Creating Playgrounds for Early Childhood Facilities
Volume 4 on Creating Playgrounds for Early Childhood Facilities assists with the planning of an early childhood center’s outdoor space to achieve a successful natural environment for young children. This guide suggests equipment and materials that support a range of

Greening Early Childhood Centers
Greening Early Childhood Centers is the latest in a series of educational resource guides developed by LISC’s Community Investment Collaborative for Kids (CICK), detailing environmentally-sound building design and facility management practices tailored specifically to the needs of this sector.Created in

Creating Quality School-Age Child Care Space
Creating Quality School-Age Child Care Space is the latest volume in LISC’s Community Investment Collaborative for Kids’ series of practitioner resource guides, and reflects best practices in the design of high-quality physical environments for school-age children from kindergarten through eighth

The ABCs of Child Care
The ABCs of Child Care was created to introduce community development organizations to the child care field, and help them partner effectively with early care and education providers to build or improve their facilities. It includes information about different types

Child Care Facilities: Quality by Design
Discussions about the quality of child care most often revolve around what takes place inside any given child care center: curriculum and program content, adult-child ratios, teacher qualifications, and so on. Yet many of those factors — and ultimately, the

Resource Guide for Family Child Care Providers
Date Published: 2005Author: Mav PardeePublisher: LISC Rhode Island Child Care Facilities Fund The Resource Guide for Family Child Care Providers is designed to offer in-home family child care providers insights into the ways that their physical environment impacts the quality of