Rhode Island Early Learning Facility Needs Assessment
By now you have heard all about the Early Learning Facility Needs Assessment we are conducting. The Rhode Island Department of Education, in partnership with the Department of Human Services, contracted with the LISC Child Care Facilities Fund to conduct this Early Learning Facility Needs Assessment as part of its Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge efforts. One of the important components of this assessment is the on-line survey we are asking all early childhood centers to complete. Thank you to the 225 centers and schools who have already taken the time to provide their input through this survey tool. If you have not yet completed the survey please take a few minutes to do so today. You can access the survey through the button below. Centers completing the survey will have an opportunity to be selected for a $500.00 grant award. Awards will be made to a total of ten centers. The selection of these ten centers will occur on April 14, 2014 so be sure to get your survey filled out before that date!
In This Issue
Rhode Island Early Learning Facility Needs Assessment
Clatter in the Classroom
Pesticides and the Developing Child
Could your playground be exposing children to arsenic?