Ten Low-Cost or No-Cost Ideas for Outdoor Active Fun
- Play Hopscotch! A piece of chalk is all you need to draw a hopscotch space in a paved area of the playground.
- Get some Hula Hoops! Great exercise and lots of fun – for extra fun and laughs make sure the teachers show the kids how to use them!
- Go Puddle Jumping! Don’t let rainy days get you down … water can transform your playground or school yard into a whole new place. Go for a walk and count the puddles, try to jump over them or just splash in them!
- Dance! Set up a boom box outside and turn up the music … dancing is fun for kids and adults of all ages.
- Go for a Rainbow Walk! Take a walk around the area and find things that are all the colors of the rainbow.
- Have a Marching Band! Bring the instruments outside and let the group make as much noise as they want!
- Pretend to be an Animal…Have the children run like a gorilla, hop like a bunny, slink like a cat, slither like a snake, etc.
- Cross the River…make “river rocks” from paper plates or pieces of paper and have the children try to “cross the river” only stepping on the “rocks”.
- Play Old Fashioned Games…what’s more fun than a great game of “Tag”?!
- Blow Bubbles Outside (and don’t forget to chase & pop them!)…You can make your own bubble mixture – just mix together 1 cup of water, ¼ cup of Dawn & 2 Tbsp. Karo Syrup – for extra fun add a few drops of food coloring to the mixture!
In This Issue
Ten Low-Cost or No-Cost Ideas for Outdoor Active Fun
Rhode Island LISC’S Natural Playgrounds Initiative
Cool off this Summer… Add an Easy Water Feature to the Playground
Funding Your Facility Project